Jacqueline Tee - Illustrator / Artist

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A range of my cards in stock!

The lovely independent vintage wares and furniture shop in Deal, Kent called 'Smoke on the Water' are now stocking a range of my local themed cards. 
I have lots more to produce, with the ideas based on local iconic buildings teamed with indigenous birds/animals. 
Prints of these cards are available through my website!

Great success stories

During the first Covid lock-down, one of the authors I worked with was Ric Hart for his first bereavement book, Hugo and Daddy's Night-time Adventures.  Ric supported the charity 'Cruse' by donating the proceeds of sales of this book which was a huge success reaching No 2 in best sellers for Amazon category - Children's Fiction on Death and Dying, No 4 in Fiction about Death and Dying for Children and No 6 in their Children's Bedtime and Dream Books.  Ric raised a fantastic amount for the various charities that he supports having gone on to publish five children's books and two adults books in total. Ric has hung up his boots as a children's author and now creates podcasts and media shows and talks openly about his own journey through grief. 

Another success story is Linda and Calum Johnston, a mother and son team who have co-written a wonderful collection of stories based on their characters The 9 Cats and their Scottish adventures. Linda developed a 'plushie' toy for each of these characters and more merchandise to accompany her expanding collection of titles.

If you have an idea of your own and need to see it come to life visually we should have a conversation!


All art and images - copyright Jacqueline Tee - WonkyMouse 2024©