Jacqueline Tee - Illustrator / Artist

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Working fromy home studio, accompanied by my small brown dog called Teddy, (a Border Terrorist!) I have the privilege of working in the lovely world of book authors, a process that is often a truly unique and inspiring journey. Whilst many of the titles are Children's books, I can find myself lead along a varied range of genres and remain ever open to expanding my horizons.

My art is very often inspired by the fields and trees I look out upon. I particularly love to portray animals and birds, reflecting both stylised and quirky or when called for, more realistic images to work either as a commission or within the imaginings of an author’s story.

I have always been more of a visual thinker, having enjoyed exploring and making art since discovering potato printing was much more fun than maths. But it was a little later in life before I earned a distinction with an 'Illustrating Children's Books' Diploma, from London Art College, which led to becoming a freelance illustrator. I have now worked on many books and commissions over the last few years and have recently expanded my toolbox from the traditional watercolour and acrylics, to encompass working with a tablet and stylus which has been fantastic.

If you are a budding author of a book and are looking to have your ideas brought to life, please get in touch - a first conversation costs nothing and it might just lead to a great collaboration. I try to make my pricing range realistic and each job tends to be unique so price will become clearer when we talk.

You can see examples of my work within my gallery or by clicking on the links page to show you some of the published titles.


All art and images - copyright Jacqueline Tee - WonkyMouse 2024©